Usage policies


  • Proper attire and footwear must be worn at all times.
  • A non‐marking, athletic shoe must be worn on wood floors and tennis courts at all times.
  • Shoes are not allowed on mat floors, only clean Martial Arts footwear.
  • Appropriate clothing is required at all times in the steam room/sauna.  
  • Shoes and sandals are not allowed in the steam room.
  • Proper swimwear is required in the pool areas.
  • Shirts and skin games are allowed on the basketball courts and turf areas.
  • Shirts must be worn on the tennis courts at all times.
  • Shirts are required in free weight and cardio areas at all times.

Code of conduct

Patrons are expected to respect the rights of others and follow all University policies and codes as well as Recreational Services rules and procedures. Disruptive behavior, as determined by Recreational Services staff, is not tolerated. Appropriate attire should be worn according to specific activity areas. Failure to adhere to this Code or University policies may result in a patron being removed from a facility/program, termination of their membership, and expulsion from Recreational Services facilities. 

ID policy

University IDs, Recreational Services issued membership cards, or a digital barcode from The University of Iowa Recreational Services app must be presented at check-in each time a member accesses a Recreational Services facility. All non-UI student members will have their picture taken when signing up for a membership. Members will be allowed to forget their ID twice per academic session (fall, spring, summer). All subsequent times that a member forgets their ID during the current session, they must pay the Forgotten ID walk-in fee to enter the facility. The Forgotten ID walk-in fee is $5 for the CRWC, Field House, HTRC, and Fitness East. 

Recreational Services reserves the right to request a physical form of ID at any time.

I understand that unauthorized use may result in the revocation of my privileges. 

Recreational Services requires a photo ID for anyone 14 and older when purchasing a daily pass or a membership.

Private instruction

Private instruction may be provided by Recreational Services Staff only.  Only the Recreational Services Staff may provide Personal Training, Tennis Lessons, and Swim Lessons.

Sponsored memberships

Solicitation of a member to sponsor a non-member is prohibited.

Sponsors are responsible for the actions of those they are sponsoring. Disruptive or inappropriate behavior by the individual being sponsored my result in the termination of both the sponsor and the sponsored membership and expulsion from Recreational Services facilities. 

Youth policy

Patrons between a few months and 18 years of age are considered youths and are allowed entrance into Recreational Service facilities. Youth aged a few months to 3 are allowed into our facilities at no cost and under the direct supervision of an adult 19 years old or older. Youth aged four to 13 with an active membership can enter Recreational Services facilities under the direct supervision of an adult 19 years old or older. Youth aged four to 13 are allowed to purchase a day pass as long as they are accompanied by an adult 19 years old or older. Youth under the age of 14 are not permitted in the fitness areas and are not able to take regular group fitness or mind/body classes. 

Youth between 14-18 can purchase a Community Dependent membership or day pass without the direct supervision of an adult 19 years old or older.

Youth between 14-18 must present a photo ID to purchase any membership or day pass.

Facility policies

Activity room rules

  • No shoes on mat floors, only clean Martial Arts footwear.
  • Do not lean on mirrors.

Fitness center rules

  • Proper attire and footwear must be worn at all times.
  • When the fitness area is busy, limit cardio machine use to 30 minutes.
  • Youth under the age of 14 are not allowed on the fitness equipment.
  • Spitting in water fountains is prohibited.
  • Gym wipes are meant for cleaning the fitness equipment.
  • Do not spray the screens on the cardio equipment.
  • Patrons should report any injuries or facility equipment irregularities to the staff on duty.
  • Please no outside shoes on the fitness equipment.

General facility rules

  • Personal possessions should be stored in a locker or cubbies. Recreational Services is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • All users participate at their own risk.
  • Drugs, alcohol, and smoking are strictly prohibited.
  • Bicycles, roller-skating, skateboarding, and pets are prohibited.
  • Proper attire and footwear must be worn at all times.
  • No spitting.
  • No “outdoor” sports may be played within the facility, including baseball, softball, football, soccer, frisbee, etc.
  • Violation of any policy set forth by Recreational Services, or any actions deemed inappropriate, may result in the acting participant’s membership being suspended or revoked.
  • Recreational Services, Athletics, and Academics have scheduling priority. 

General pool rules

  • A Recreational Services lifeguard must be present before entering the water.
  • Emergency Signal of three whistle blasts means to exit the pool immediately.
  • No diving in the shallow end of the swimming pool and in other areas where it is marked “NO DIVING.”
  • No horseplay in or around the swimming pool.
  • No running on the deck.
  • Proficient swimming ability is required in deep water areas.
  • Do not enter the pool if you have a communicable disease or an open wound.
  • Shower before entering the pool and after the use of restroom facilities.
  • Proper swimwear is required.
  • Glass containers are prohibited in the pool area.
  • Do not bring food, drink, gum, alcohol, or tobacco products into the pool.
  • Swimming or diving instruction may be provided solely by Recreational Services aquatics staff or approved groups.
  • Activity deemed unsafe by the lifeguard will be prohibited.

Gymnasium rules

  • Items and activities PROHIBITED in the gymnasium:
    • Kicking or throwing basketballs and other equipment towards the wall, ceiling, track, and windows. Violators will be asked to leave the facility immediately.
    • Hanging on the nets or rims.
    • Outdoor sports including but not limited to football, baseball, softball, frisbee, and lacrosse.
    • Violators will be asked to leave the facility immediately if caught fighting, unruly conduct, profanity, or rough play
    • No food or drinks are allowed. Water or sports drinks in closed plastic containers are permitted.
    • No spitting.

Locker room rules

  • The use of cell phones is prohibited.
  • The use of all camera/video devices is prohibited.
  • Glass containers are prohibited.
  • Recreational Services is not responsible for lost or stolen items or items vacated due to unauthorized use.
  • Children over the age of five are not allowed in the opposite gender locker room.
  • Family Changing Rooms are available.
  • Return towels to appropriate locations.
  • Only swimsuits are to be placed in the water extractors in the locker rooms.
  • All day-use lockers must be vacated at the close of each day. Any lockers with items remaining at close will be unlocked, and items will be vacated.
  • Recreational Services is not responsible for storing items left in lockers. 

Outdoor Facility policies

Hawkeye Softball Complex

  • The Hawkeye Softball Complex must be reserved through Recreational Services for use. 
  • When the parking lot is closed for an event, it is restricted for use by those directly involved. 
  • Decisions regarding weather-related cancelations will be made by 3:00 p.m. on the day of an event. 
  • Tobacco products are prohibited under the University’s Tobacco-Free Campus policy.
  • Drugs and alcohol are prohibited under the University’s Drug-Free Environment policy.
  • Animals, except service animals, are not allowed on the premises under the University’s Animals in Buildings policy. 
  • Vehicles are not allowed inside the complex. 
  • No sunflower seeds and peanuts on Pearl Field, including in the dugouts, on the fields and in the stands.
  • No warm-ups on the Pearl Field grass before games. Teams can warm-up behind the temporary fences on other fields.

Hawkeye Recreation Fields

  • No driving on the grass
  • Drop-in use is limited to daylight hours. 
  • The facility may close due to inclement weather or wet conditions.
  • No golfing allowed
  • Tobacco products are prohibited under the University’s Tobacco-Free Campus policy.
  • Drugs and alcohol are prohibited under the University’s Drug-Free Environment policy.
  • Animals, except service animals, are not allowed on the premises under the University’s Animals in Buildings policy. 
  • In pursuance with the University’s Bicycle Regulations, bikes are not allowed on grass, volleyball, or basketball courts.

Member services policies

Lost and found

  • The University of Iowa and Recreational Services is not responsible for the care and protection of any personal belonging left unattended, lost or stolen, on University property.
  • Found items should be returned to the Member Services desk. For outdoor facilities or areas without a Member Services desk, items should be given to a Recreational Services staff member.
  • Lost University keys will be sent to Key & Access Services.
  • Lost University ID cards will be returned to the Card One office.
  • Approximately once a month, regardless of when an item was found, items of value will be turned over to the Department of Public Safety Lost & Found.
  • Approximately once a month, regardless of when an item was found, items not of value will be disposed of.
  • If sufficient contact information is available, a good faith effort to contact the owner will be made.

Misconduct and appeals

Recreational Services Member Misconduct Procedures govern alleged violations of Recreational Services and University of Iowa rules and policies affecting participation in and access to Recreational Services facilities and programs by any individual, whether university-affiliated or community member. In cases where the report of misconduct may relate to violations of the law or University policies that contain separate procedures, Recreational Services will notify the appropriate authorities and department(s), and the individual may be subject to additional process and procedures. An Associate Director of Recreational Services will investigate the alleged incident. Investigations may include but are not limited to interviewing witnesses and reviewing documentation and security tapes. Depending on the nature and severity of the alleged incident, other authorities and University departments may be consulted. An Associate Director of Recreational Services will make findings of fact and responsibility and determine the sanctions to be imposed, if any. 

For more information, click here.


Perpetual is only applicable to UI faculty/staff who pay using monthly payroll deduction. There is a one-time $40 setup fee. In order to cancel, a Perpetual_Cancellation_Form.pdf or an Online Perpetual Cancellation form must be completed & submitted to Membership Services to cancel. 

Refund policies

Monthly and annual memberships 

  • Members may cancel their memberships within the first three business days after signing up and receive a full refund (less $20).  After that time frame, memberships are non-refundable except for medical and health conditions, deployment, or extraneous circumstances with written verification.  Members may request a refund by completing a Refund Request Form.
  • Members who pay via monthly payroll deduction will not be issued refunds/credits for previous deductions.

Daily walk-Ins: 

  • Refunds for daily walk-ins may be issued but only within 15 minutes of purchase.

Program refunds:

  • Refunds for program registrations vary based on the program policy.  Please complete a Refund Request Form and the individual who oversees the program will evaluate the request. Program refunds are not guaranteed. 

Service animal

Service animal

Recreational Services complies with the University of Iowa policy regarding animals in buildings. With the exception of the Macbride Nature Recreation Area and service animals, animals are not permitted in any Recreational Services facility or on any Recreational Services field.


Fire alarm

In the event of a fire alarm activation, patrons are required to follow staff directions and exit the facility. To ensure unobstructed access by emergency personnel, patrons will proceed to the designated area as directed by staff.

Incident/accident reporting

Any individual involved in or witnessing an injury occurring within a Recreational Services facility or during a Recreational Services program should report the injury to staff for proper documentation and assistance as needed.

Any individual involved in or witnessing a violation of the University of Iowa or Recreational Services policies should report the incident to staff for proper documentation and assistance as needed.

Severe weather

During severe weather, patrons are required to follow staff directions. No one is allowed to remain in a non-shelter area during a weather emergency.

Videography and photography policies

Academic projects

Requests for filming and photographing for academic purposes should be made to the Associate Director for Facility Operations.

Commercial filming/photography

Recreational Services complies with the University of Iowa policy regarding filming on campus. Requests for permission must be sent to the Office of Strategic Communication.

Drone policy

In pursuance with the University’s drone policy, drones are not allowed on University property without prior approval.

Media requests

All media requests should be made to Mallory Valentine, Associate Director of Strategic Initiatives. 

Prohibited areas

Videotaping and photography is prohibited in locker rooms, restrooms, and the pool areas at all times.

Recreational Services use

From time to time, Recreational Services staff may photograph facilities, equipment, and individuals for use in marketing and promotional materials.

Security surveillance

For your safety, some Recreational Services facilities are under video surveillance.

Video taping others

Individuals may videotape and photograph large spaces without focusing on individuals. Focusing on specific small groups or individuals without their expressed consent is prohibited.

Contact us

Still have additional questions? Send us an email and we would be happy to help answer them!